You may have been a JW if :
- Your digital clock reads 6:07 and you still mentally add the letters B.C.E. to make it 607 BCE.
- You hear a song in an old movie and can still hear bits or entire sections of a kingdom song that was lifted from it.
- You need to make an important decision and out of habit you start looking for a bound volume to see what the correct "thinking" is on the matter.
- You used to thank Jehovah at every meal and for providing your food and for blessing your family with a roof over their heads even though and your worldly neighbors have the exact same house and buy their groceries at the same supermarket as you do.
- You run into your old JW friends who are aging and you delight in saying " Hey....weren't we supposed to be perfect by now...where's my pet Lion ?? "
- Your graduated from highschool in the year 1975 even though they said the system would be over by then but now you're 61 years of age, a grandfather and will be retiring with a pension at the end of the month. They even scoffed at the notion that you'd ever be able to use a pension and viewed saving for retirement as a lack of faith.